Tuesday, February 7, 2012

And the Fun begins: chickens, indoor seed starting, getting a jump on the season

So, with a little bit of time on my hands this evening and dreams of gardening soon, even though a little bit of snow is predicted for tomorrow evening, I began preparing for the 2012 gardening season.  See my article on Thrifty Gardening to see instructions for the trellis I just made from recycling plastic beer/soda rings.

My chickens have been ordered. Yes, I am jumping into a new arena this year: Backyard City Chickens.
The usual response I get is, "Why? Real live ones?" Yes, real live ones..as opposed to dead ones?? I ordered 3 Chanteclers and 3 Easter Eggers (Araucanas), which are some cold hardy birds and good layers.  Cold hardy was very important to me being in Zone 6.   Here's the "why": Can't wait for the fresh organic non-GMO tastiest-you'll-ever-eat eggs, manure for the garden compost, and finally some control over these stupid stink bugs and ticks.  I have also bought seeds to plant the food the chickens will eat, so this year will be extra work in extending the garden to include their food I will grow myself.  Ahhh...you didn't know you could do that, did you? 

I will also be venturing into vermicomposting with redwigglers and raising mealworms for protein for the chickens.

This will also be the year I start the greenhouse out of those old windows I got from Freecycle.org....can't wait for that one, either! I will be posting the adventure as we go along, so keep checking back...

Today, I am starting my indoor seeds for cool weather crops, such as leeks, cabbage, brussel sprouts.....I have a full bank of shop lights over an old counter top down in the basement and a closet with three shelves hubby made for me with lights, as well.  Let the fun begin!