Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cherries and Raspberries

I was out in the garden, like every other day, and I can't believe what I just found....cherries!  That's right!  I grew cherries!  I have 8 cherry "bushes" that are supposed to be dwarf and not get over 6-8 feet tall.  I planted them 2 years ago and figured it would be years before I see any fruit.  I noticed a handfull of blossoms this spring on one little tree but paid it no mind...but was shocked to find little cherries hanging there in the leaves!

Just so you understand why I think this is so amazing...I live in the immediate suburbs of the city and my garden is huge for a city garden at 30 ft x 40 ft, but really small when compared to a rural farm garden.  I grow in every inch of space I can. Here's to my first real cherries!

This picture shows my raspberry bushes in their 3rd year.  This is the first year I have really gotten a harvest, however, none have made it back to the house because I ate them all right in the garden...LOL...Yep! ALL of them!  You have no idea the taste difference between what is in the grocery store compared to homegrown raspberries! I am hooked.  These were a little tart, yet sweet...like a candy, truly. This photo is a view from the back of the garden.  The white wooden gate, which DH made for me, is really the front of the garden.

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