Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cherries and Raspberries

I was out in the garden, like every other day, and I can't believe what I just found....cherries!  That's right!  I grew cherries!  I have 8 cherry "bushes" that are supposed to be dwarf and not get over 6-8 feet tall.  I planted them 2 years ago and figured it would be years before I see any fruit.  I noticed a handfull of blossoms this spring on one little tree but paid it no mind...but was shocked to find little cherries hanging there in the leaves!

Just so you understand why I think this is so amazing...I live in the immediate suburbs of the city and my garden is huge for a city garden at 30 ft x 40 ft, but really small when compared to a rural farm garden.  I grow in every inch of space I can. Here's to my first real cherries!

This picture shows my raspberry bushes in their 3rd year.  This is the first year I have really gotten a harvest, however, none have made it back to the house because I ate them all right in the garden...LOL...Yep! ALL of them!  You have no idea the taste difference between what is in the grocery store compared to homegrown raspberries! I am hooked.  These were a little tart, yet sweet...like a candy, truly. This photo is a view from the back of the garden.  The white wooden gate, which DH made for me, is really the front of the garden.

Monday, July 8, 2013

In Full Swing

When you are new to gardening, you don't realize how much space a squash plant takes up.  Even though I am a seasoned gardener, I have lapses of thinking properly when faced with flat after flat that has to go into the ground now.  Last year, I made the mistake of planting my squash along the fence in a strip about a foot wide.  Right about this time last year, I was stepping over the leaves like "Hopscotch" to harvest the zucchini.  Not fun..Remembering that, I planted these in a larger bed and gave it plenty of room to expand....or so I thought.  It is now taking over the leek bed next to it.  You can see how it's pulled a few over..LOL

These are a winter squash that you can even use for making pumpkin pie.  I don't think they are "heirloom" but they are open pollinated.  I have harvested five fruits so far and there are probably just as many that will be ready soon.  It is a prolific plant, that's for sure.  I think this one is a keeper for me.

Funny story how I ended up with these plants this year...I bought one of these from the store to try it and left it in the pantry too long. When I cut it open to give it to the chickens, there were seeds already sprouted inside.  So if you know me...you can guess the next thing I did.  Yep, I planted those babies in pots under lights until it was warm enough outside for planting in the garden.  You can see it worked out well for me!  I'll be saving these seeds this year!

First Squash Harvest 2013