Saturday, October 27, 2012
First Egg!
Finally!! Just when I was about to give up hope of having eggs from my chickens, hubby discovered a beautiful brown egg in the nest box this morning, thanks to my lovely Silver Laced Wyandotte, Althea.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Chicken Update
Well, chicks have been out in their run for quite awhile now. They are 20 weeks old, but still no eggs yet. I got 5 hens and two roos from 7 chicks...not a bad turnout! I am pleased I got so many hens out of the bunch. I ended up with a Buckeye, Silver Wyandotte, Golden Wyandotte, Australorp, and an Easter Egger for hens. The roos are a Chantecler and another Easter Egger.
Silver Wyandotte Althea as a baby (April 19, 2012)
Hubby "hypnotizing" Goldie yesterday...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Wild Edibles
I happened upon a local blog about eating wild edibles, a.k.a weeds, and I have become hooked! It is really fun to forage for free food! Today's bounty: chickweed, garlic mustard, plantain, dandelion leaves. I am excited to make garlic mustard "horseradish", chickweed and garlic mustard pesto, garlic mustard pancakes, and plantain oil.
I also found but didn't harvest yet: violets, Japanese Knotwood, purslane, onion grass, burdock, lambs quarters, wild grape leaves, burberry bush, and a mulberry tree. All of these are either in my backyard, the adjoining woods, or within a half mile walk of my house. The mulberry tree came up last year next to our house. A bird probably dropped some ripe fruit at some point. It will have to be moved to the backyard.
You are probably wondering if I have lost my mind. That's debatable LOL...but seriously, you should check out this blog:
I bought a book on amazon.com last year for mushroom foraging, but I haven't tried it yet. It's called "Mushrooming Without Fear". It has really nice color pics, which I think is essential. Let me know if you try any great recipes on wild edibles that you'd like to share.
I also found but didn't harvest yet: violets, Japanese Knotwood, purslane, onion grass, burdock, lambs quarters, wild grape leaves, burberry bush, and a mulberry tree. All of these are either in my backyard, the adjoining woods, or within a half mile walk of my house. The mulberry tree came up last year next to our house. A bird probably dropped some ripe fruit at some point. It will have to be moved to the backyard.
You are probably wondering if I have lost my mind. That's debatable LOL...but seriously, you should check out this blog:
I bought a book on amazon.com last year for mushroom foraging, but I haven't tried it yet. It's called "Mushrooming Without Fear". It has really nice color pics, which I think is essential. Let me know if you try any great recipes on wild edibles that you'd like to share.
Chickens Have Arrived!
I have made the leap to chicken owner at last! I got an assortment of breeds that are cold hardy and good egg layers. I have one Australorp, one Silver Laced Wyandotte, one Golden Laced Wyandotte, one Buckeye, one Chantecler, and two Easter Eggers. Probably half of them will be hens. Roos are going to take a ride back to the farm!

The Silver Laced Wyandotte learned how to roost on top of the waterer...that's not all she learned how to do up there LOL! I have to clean the waterer out several times a day. Before I leave for work, when I get home, and before I go to bed.

The Silver Laced Wyandotte learned how to roost on top of the waterer...that's not all she learned how to do up there LOL! I have to clean the waterer out several times a day. Before I leave for work, when I get home, and before I go to bed.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
And the Fun begins: chickens, indoor seed starting, getting a jump on the season
So, with a little bit of time on my hands this evening and dreams of gardening soon, even though a little bit of snow is predicted for tomorrow evening, I began preparing for the 2012 gardening season. See my article on Thrifty Gardening to see instructions for the trellis I just made from recycling plastic beer/soda rings.
My chickens have been ordered. Yes, I am jumping into a new arena this year: Backyard City Chickens.
The usual response I get is, "Why? Real live ones?" Yes, real live ones..as opposed to dead ones?? I ordered 3 Chanteclers and 3 Easter Eggers (Araucanas), which are some cold hardy birds and good layers. Cold hardy was very important to me being in Zone 6. Here's the "why": Can't wait for the fresh organic non-GMO tastiest-you'll-ever-eat eggs, manure for the garden compost, and finally some control over these stupid stink bugs and ticks. I have also bought seeds to plant the food the chickens will eat, so this year will be extra work in extending the garden to include their food I will grow myself. Ahhh...you didn't know you could do that, did you?
I will also be venturing into vermicomposting with redwigglers and raising mealworms for protein for the chickens.
This will also be the year I start the greenhouse out of those old windows I got from Freecycle.org....can't wait for that one, either! I will be posting the adventure as we go along, so keep checking back...
Today, I am starting my indoor seeds for cool weather crops, such as leeks, cabbage, brussel sprouts.....I have a full bank of shop lights over an old counter top down in the basement and a closet with three shelves hubby made for me with lights, as well. Let the fun begin!
My chickens have been ordered. Yes, I am jumping into a new arena this year: Backyard City Chickens.
The usual response I get is, "Why? Real live ones?" Yes, real live ones..as opposed to dead ones?? I ordered 3 Chanteclers and 3 Easter Eggers (Araucanas), which are some cold hardy birds and good layers. Cold hardy was very important to me being in Zone 6. Here's the "why": Can't wait for the fresh organic non-GMO tastiest-you'll-ever-eat eggs, manure for the garden compost, and finally some control over these stupid stink bugs and ticks. I have also bought seeds to plant the food the chickens will eat, so this year will be extra work in extending the garden to include their food I will grow myself. Ahhh...you didn't know you could do that, did you?
I will also be venturing into vermicomposting with redwigglers and raising mealworms for protein for the chickens.
This will also be the year I start the greenhouse out of those old windows I got from Freecycle.org....can't wait for that one, either! I will be posting the adventure as we go along, so keep checking back...
Today, I am starting my indoor seeds for cool weather crops, such as leeks, cabbage, brussel sprouts.....I have a full bank of shop lights over an old counter top down in the basement and a closet with three shelves hubby made for me with lights, as well. Let the fun begin!
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